Blindekuh (From "Allotria")
Hans Fritz Beckmann
Plus de l'album "Schellack Schätze: Treasures on 78 RPM from Berlin, Europe and the World, Vol. 27"
Hello! Swanee, Hello!
Addy Britt, Scrappy Lambert & Billy Hillpot
Schellack Schätze: Treasures on 78 RPM from Berlin, Europe and the World, Vol. 27
Sous les toits de Paris
Leo Monosson & Raoul Moretti
Schellack Schätze: Treasures on 78 RPM from Berlin, Europe and the World, Vol. 27
Finestra innamorata
Fernando Orlandis & Doccia Marzia Giari
Schellack Schätze: Treasures on 78 RPM from Berlin, Europe and the World, Vol. 27
Ernesto Vázquez
Schellack Schätze: Treasures on 78 RPM from Berlin, Europe and the World, Vol. 27
Du hast mein Herz K.O. geschlagen (From "Schüsse in Kabine 7")
Fita Benkhoff & Bruno Balz
Schellack Schätze: Treasures on 78 RPM from Berlin, Europe and the World, Vol. 27