File Select (From "EarthBound")
Arcade Player
Other Versions
File Select (From "Super Mario 64')
Arcade Player
Super Mario 64: The Themes Vol, 2
File Select (From "Donkey Kong Land") [8-Bit Version]
Arcade Player
Donkey Kong Land: Iconic Themes
File Select (From The Legend of Zelda, Spirit Tracks) [Instrumental Mix]
Arcade Player
Zelda: The Legendary Themes, Vol. 7
More from "EarthBound, The Themes" album
Ambushed from Behind (From "EarthBound")
Arcade Player
EarthBound, The Themes
Andonuts' Rage Boss Battle (From "EarthBound")
Arcade Player
EarthBound, The Themes
Boss Battle (From "EarthBound")
Arcade Player
EarthBound, The Themes