Ecce Rex noster (Responsory for Advent: The L...
Schola Gregoriana di Venezia & Lanfranco Menga
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Ave gratia plena (St. Mark Gradual, 13th Century): Ave gratia plena [Offertory. The Liber Ordinarius, 13th Century]
Schola Gregoriana di Venezia & Lanfranco Menga
Canti Gregoriani: Resonet, intonet
Dicit Maria: Putas qualis est (Responsory for Advent: The Liber Ordinarius, 13th Century)
Schola Gregoriana di Venezia & Lanfranco Menga
Canti Gregoriani: Resonet, intonet
Ecce adveniet propheta (Introit: The Liber Ordinarius, 13th Century)
Schola Gregoriana di Venezia & Lanfranco Menga
Canti Gregoriani: Resonet, intonet