Blue Boogie (feat. Arthur Smith's Hot Quintet...
Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith
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Plus de l'album "The Guitar Artistry of Arthur Smith (feat. The Rambler Trio, Arthur Smith's Hot Quartet, Arthur Smith's Hot Quintet, Arthur Smith's Cracker-Jacks, The Tennessee Ramblers, Betty Smith & Ray Lear)"
Guitar Boogie (feat. The Rambler Trio)
Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith
The Guitar Artistry of Arthur Smith (feat. The Rambler Trio, Arthur Smith's Hot Quartet, Arthur Smith's Hot Quintet, Arthur Smith's Cracker-Jacks, The Tennessee Ramblers, Betty Smith & Ray Lear)
Guitar Jump (feat. Arthur Smith's Hot Quartet)
Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith
The Guitar Artistry of Arthur Smith (feat. The Rambler Trio, Arthur Smith's Hot Quartet, Arthur Smith's Hot Quintet, Arthur Smith's Cracker-Jacks, The Tennessee Ramblers, Betty Smith & Ray Lear)
Guitar Artistry (feat. Arthur Smith's Hot Quintet)
Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith
The Guitar Artistry of Arthur Smith (feat. The Rambler Trio, Arthur Smith's Hot Quartet, Arthur Smith's Hot Quintet, Arthur Smith's Cracker-Jacks, The Tennessee Ramblers, Betty Smith & Ray Lear)
After You've Gone
Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith & Sensational Trio
The Guitar Artistry of Arthur Smith (feat. The Rambler Trio, Arthur Smith's Hot Quartet, Arthur Smith's Hot Quintet, Arthur Smith's Cracker-Jacks, The Tennessee Ramblers, Betty Smith & Ray Lear)